Task 6 : Recommendation on Optimum Solar

Key Learning Points :

  1. Should gather all parameters which is require to decide optimum solar installed capacity .
  2. Should study all parameters and able to give final recommendation of optimum solar installed capacity .

Watch your session here : Click here

To DO : Watch the session carefully and make Notes .

Task 7 : Selection Of Solar Panels And Array Sizing

Key Learning Points :

1.Should able to select solar modules or panels.

2. Should able to understand the module parameters and its characteristics.

3.Should able to calculate the number of strings and number of solar panel in each strings .

4.Should able to decide the connection of solar panel series or parallel connection .

5.Should be able to calculate number of solar panels required for selected capacity of solar system .

Watch your session here : Click here

Click here to complete your assignment

Task 8 : Design And Placement Of Solar Array

Key Learning Points :

1.Should be able to connect solar panel in series and parallel combination.

2.Should be able to know the parameters to be consider for setting solar array .

3.Should be able to decide placement of solar modules.

4.Should be able to decide the orientation of solar array .

Watch Session Here : Click Here

Assignment : Click here to complete your Assignment

Task 9 : 3D Modelling and Shadow Analysis in Google sketch Up software .

Key Learning Points :

  1. Should be able to understand Importance of Google sketch up Software Shadow analysis .

2.Should be able to use various command in Google sketch up Software .

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.

To DO :

1.KIndly Complete watching your session for notes and impleting the process.

2.Go to the link : https://app.sketchup.com/app?hl=en

(The link is open for your implementations and practice regarding the tools of the software)

3.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 10 : Preparation of 3D Model in Google Sketch up. 

Key Learning Points :

1.Should be able to draw 3D Models in Google Sketch Up.
2.Should be able to how to draw shadow creating obstacles.

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.

To DO :

1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Go to the link : https://app.sketchup.com/app?hl=en

(The link is open for your implementations and practice regarding the tools of the software)

3.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Pending assignments will be automatically updated on Nov 01,2021 04.00PM

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