Task 11 : Mounting of solar panels and shadow analysis on google sketch up software
Key Learning Points :
1.Should be able to understand mounting of solar panels over ground area in Google sketch up software.
2.Should be able to do shadow analysis in Google sketch up software.
Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.
To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and impleting the process.
2.Go to the link : https://app.sketchup.com/app?hl=en
(The link is open for your implementations and practice regarding the tools of the software)
3.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .
Task 12 : Energy Yield Estimation and Performance of Solar System
Key Learning Points :
1.Should be able to understand concept of energy yield estimation in solar project.
2.Should be able to understand the formula to calculate Annual energy yield from solar system .
3.Should be able to understand the various derating factors considered while calculating the annual energy yield.
Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.
To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.
2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .
Task 13 : Calculation of energy yield estimation
Key Learning Points :
1.Should be able to calculate the annual energy yield estimation for solar project .
Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.
To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.
2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .
Task 14 : Specific Energy Yield Estimation and Performance ratio
Key Learning Points :
1.Should be able to calculate specific energy yield Solar Power System.
2.Should be able to calculate the performance Ratio of Solar Power System .
Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.
To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.
2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .
Task 15 : Monthly Energy Generation by Solar Power Plant
Key Learning Points :
1.Should be able to calculate monthly energy generation by solar power plant .
2.Should be able to analyze the graph of Monthly GHI and Performance Ratio.
Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.
To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.
2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .