Task 16 : Monthly energy generation of Solar power plant in PV Watts

Key Learning Points :

1.Should be able to understand use of PV Watt Calculator for energy yeild estimation.
2.Should be able to Know the simulation parameters required to be used in PV Watts calculator .
3.Should be able to generate the Energy yeild estimation report from the PV Watt Calculator software .

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 17 : Selection of components of 50 KW solar power plant (Inverters and MPPTS)

Key Learning Points :

1.Should be able to select the type of SOlar Inverter.
2.Should be able to identify specifications of Solar inveter .
3.Should be able to know the no of MPPTs in selected Solar Inverter .

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 18 : Selection of components of 50 KW solar power plant (AC & DC Distribution Box)

Key Learning Points :

1.Should able to select the DC distribution Box .
2.Should able to select the AC distribution Box .
3.Should able to select DC-SPD and AC-SPD.
4.Should able to select DC-MCB and AC-MCB.
5.Should able to select AC-MCCB.

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 19 : Circuit Diagram of 50kW On Grid Solar System

Key Learning Points :

1.Detail Circuit Diagram of 50kW On Grid Rooftop Solar System

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.

To DO :

1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 20 : Buying of Material for 50kW Capacity

Key Learning Points :

  1. List of Material required for 50kW Solar Plant Construction

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 21 : Buying of Material for 50kW Capacity (Projected Cost of the Project).

Key Learning Points :

  1. Projected Cost of the Project.

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session.

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

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