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Hi Interns ,

Welcome to the Internship Task Portal of Embedded systems technologies .

Here you will get all the intimations regarding your tasks , sessions , assignments and any updated briefing .

(The information and content provided in this portal is purely confidential and is under protected surveillance by the technical support team.)

Embedded Systems : A brief Introduction

An embedded system is a computer system—a combination of a computer processor, computer memory, and input/output peripheral devices—that has a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electronic system. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including electrical or electronic hardware and mechanical parts. Because an embedded system typically controls physical operations of the machine that it is embedded within, it often has real-time computing constraints. Embedded systems control many devices in common use today. In 2009 it was estimated that ninety-eight percent of all microprocessors manufactured were used in embedded systems.

Modern embedded systems are often based on microcontrollers (i.e. microprocessors with integrated memory and peripheral interfaces), but ordinary microprocessors (using external chips for memory and peripheral interface circuits) are also common, especially in more complex systems. In either case, the processor(s) used may be types ranging from general purpose to those specialized in a certain class of computations, or even custom designed for the application at hand. A common standard class of dedicated processors is the digital signal processor (DSP).

Since the embedded system is dedicated to specific tasks, design engineers can optimize it to reduce the size and cost of the product and increase the reliability and performance. Some embedded systems are mass-produced, benefiting from economies of scale.

Embedded systems range from portable devices such as digital watches and MP3 players, to large stationary installations like traffic light controllers, programmable logic controllers, and large complex systems like hybrid vehicles, medical imaging systems, and avionics. Complexity varies from low, with a single microcontroller chip, to very high with multiple units, peripherals and networks mounted inside a large equipment rack.

How do Embedded systems Work ?

Embedded systems consist of a microcontroller with on-board memory, a power supply, and communication ports for transmitting data to other devices. Embedded software programs tell the microcontroller how to respond in real time to data collected from the environment through peripheral sensors and devices

We’re going to study about embedded systems with 8051 microcontrollers in this Internship.

8051 is by far one of the oldest microcontrollers which are still used today. With over 70+ different manufacturers, 8051 is available in a variety of flavors. What makes it special is the simplicity it offers to the programmers and developers. Being one of the first microcontrollers, the architecture of 8051 is quite simple with very few basic features. And those very basic features make 8051 the winner in terms of simplicity in usage.

In this Internship, we’ll study 8051 with embedded C programming. We’re going to study about the 8051 microcontrollers with Keil 8051 IDE. Keil Microvision is a very old and very popular IDE used for microcontroller programming.

This is a hands-on driven Internship where we’ll be writing a lot of codes and trying out its outputs. We’re going to study 8051 microcontroller and its interfacing with a number of peripheral devices like






Temperature Sensor

Stepper Motor

DC Motor

PC Interfacing

Device Control

And while doing so, we’ll be doing a number of different experiments to evaluate the skills we have been learning. The Internship outcome is to enable everyone to be able to use 8051 microcontrollers and start creating projects on it.

Even if you do not know any C programming before, do not worry, there’s a brief introduction to C programming also.

Internships Tasks

Task 1 : Getting Familiar with Embedded systems .

Objectives :
1.What is Embedded systems .
2.General Block diagram , working principles .
3.Componenets of embedded system .
4.Embedded Hardware , software .
5.Processor in Embedded system .
6.Choice of microcontroller .
7.Embedded software .

To DO :

1.Kindly complete your Task 1 sessions—Click here .
2.Kindly make notes for your better understanding .
3.Assignment related to this task is updated below . Kindly complete your assignment .

Task 2 : Microcontroller 8051.

Objectives :
1.Pin descriptions.
2.General Block diagram , working principles .
3.Elements of Microcontroller.
4.Microcontroller VS Microprocessor .
5.I/O Pin.
6.Reading I/O Pins of Microcontroller, etc.

To DO :

1.Kindly complete your Task 2 sessions—Click here .
2.Kindly make notes for your better understanding .
3.Assignment related to this task is updated below . Kindly complete your assignment .

Task 3 : C programming for Microcontroller .

Objectives :

1.What is C?
2.Assmebly language VS C language .
3.C Standard Library .
4.C programming language in Microcontroller .
5.Programming languages , etc.

To DO :

1.Kindly complete your Task 3 sessions—Click here .
2.Kindly make notes for your better understanding .
3.Assignment related to this task is updated below . Kindly complete your assignment .

Updated Task (28th Sep,2021)

Task 4 : First project creation on Keli

To DO :

1.Kindly complete your Task 4 sessions—Click here .
2.Kindly make notes for your better understanding .

3.Assignment related to this task is updated below . Kindly complete your assignment .

Assignments related to the above task are updated below via support team . Due to some technical reasons , the assignments updating has been delayed . Now you can submit your assignments for the sessions you have completed till now .

Assignments : (Timeline to complete : Oct 01st,2021 Till 11.59PM)

Assignment related to Task 1 : Click here to Complete , Total marks : 50, Min Pass marks :25

Assignment related to Task 2 : Click here to Complete , Total marks : 50, Min Pass marks :25

Assignment related to Task 3 : Click here to Complete , Total marks : 30, Min Pass marks :15

Assignment related to Task 4 : Click here to Complete , (Some Confirmations regarding software)

Results are mailed to you via support team . Kindly check .

Task 5 : Input and Output Interfacing.

Key learning points :

1.First experiment -LED Blinky

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Updated Tasks

Task 6 : Input and Output Interfacing.

Key learning points :

1.Project based on Led Alternate on off

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 7 : 8051 Interfaces.

Key learning points :

1.Project based on Led Alternate on off

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 8 : Concepts on LCD – Introduction to LCD

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :

1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 9 : Concepts on LCD – Creating Schematics for LCD

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :

1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 10 : Concepts on LCD -First Program on LCD

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :

1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 11 : Concepts On LCD – LCD Interfacing

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :

1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 12 : 8051 Timer concepts

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 13 : 8051 Timer concepts (Create program which generates a 1 sec delay using Timer)

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 14 : 8051 Timer concepts (Create program which generates a 1 sec delay using Timer- Part 2 )

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :
1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Task 15 : Analog to Digital Converter with 8051

Watch your session here : Click here to watch the session

To DO :

1.Kindly Complete watching your session for notes and implementing the process.

2.Follow all the steps as mentioned in the session for your practice .

Kindly submit your Doubts here (Regarding any task ): Click here

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