Here, you are going to access and implement your major project regarding Data Science internship

Kindly go through the proper instructions below:

Internship Project Name : Hotel booking Prediction System

Data science encapsulates the interdisciplinary activities required to create data-centric artifacts and applications that address specific scientific, socio-political, business, or other questions.

Let’s look at the constituent parts of this statement:

  1. Data: Measurable units of information gathered or captured from activity of people, places and things.
  2. Specific Questions: Seeking to understand a phenomenon, natural, social or other, can we formulate specific questions for which an answer posed in terms of patterns observed, tested and or modeled in data is appropriate.
  3. Interdisciplinary Activities: Formulating a question, assessing the appropriateness of the data and findings used to find an answer require understanding of the specific subject area. Deciding on the appropriateness of models and inferences made from models based on the data at hand requires understanding of statistical and computational methods.

All the instructions for implementing the project step by step written below : Start creating the project

Data Science environmental setup :

Task 1 : Install anaconda on your machine : Click here to check procedure

Anaconda is the World’s Most Popular Data Science Platform. Go to site : , Click products — Select open source repository and toolkit –download software.

Task 2 : Set up environment and Download Machine Learning Libraries , Click here to check procedure

Task 3 : Introduction to Jupyter Notebook , Click here to watch help out session.

Project Implementation Instructions :

Project implementation assistance drive : Click here to Access (First read the instructions file inside the folder 01 )


1.The task number 09 (Sorting Task) has been updated by the support team . You can now access the remaining task no 9 to final task 19th.

2.If your internet connection is weak then you can also download the file and start completing the sessions.

NOTE : (To save the Project files and sharing with the support team)

Step 1 : Start complementing the project sessions one by one on serial wise number in the drive and implement accordingly and save the project files in a particular folder.

Step 2 : Save the Project files in a Project folder in your system and upload it on the your google drive and share the folder to (Support team will check from there )


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